
Pesticides consist of chemical compounds that are used to destroy, repel, or control any fungus or organisms that are considered to be pests. Pests can be harmful to cultivated plants. With the usage of pesticides, many of our crops can be protected.
Natural Pesticide
Products derived from sources in nature with little modification
Synthetic Pesticide
Products produced from chemical modification
So what's the issue with
As the Eastern Coachella Valley (ECV) is a heavily agricultural area, pesticide exposure poses as a major danger to the underserved population of the ECV. Through exposure through air and water, California agricultural workers and farmers are especially at risk of facing potential negative health effects. Children, residents, and workers of the Coachella Valley are highly affected by this issue as well.
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Groundwater from the wells of Eastern Coachella Valley have been noted for pesticide contamination. Runoff from agricultural fields nearby may contain even a higher level of pesticides.
The movement of pesticides can be observed through drift. It appears as a cloud of dust that may be invisible and odorless. Pesticides in the air can be in forms of mist, particles, or vapor.
Who is affected by pesticide exposure?
Agricultural Field Workers & Field Worker Families
98% Hispanic
arcgis.com. (n.d.). https://www.arcgis.com/apps/Cascade/index.html?appid=e92cf7404c2f40eca4fc1da867398a75.2021
Residential Areas & Schools
Underserved Population of Eastern Coachella Valley

Maps & Data from Tracking California. (n.d.). https://www.trackingcalifornia.org/main/maps-and-data.

Eastern vs. Western Coachella Valley
The Cumulative Environmental Vulnerability Assessment (CEVA) reveals that residents in the Eastern Coachella Valley face significant and overlapping environmental hazards and social vulnerability that far exceed those in the Western Coachella Valley and the county as a whole.
London, Ph.D, J., & Greenfield, T. (2013, June). Revealing the invisible Coachella Valley. https://regionalchange.ucdavis.edu/ sites/g/files/dgvnsk986/files/inline-files/English%20Coachella%20Valley%20Report%20-%20Print%20version.pdf.
California as a Whole
Most recent data shows that California has the highest number of reported pesticide exposures out of all states. There were 9,555 counts of recorded exposures to all pesticides in 2017. In addition, there were 6,646 counts of minor effect illnesses due to exposure to all pesticides in 2017. The existence of unreported cases are very likely so actual numbers may be higher. (CDC, 2017)
Recorded poisonings for the United States by State. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. National Environmental Public Health Tracking Network (n.d.) www.cdc.gov/ ephtracking.