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Finding the right resources can be difficult, we have complied resources to help our community members who wish to learn more. These resources include reporting agencies for those who wish to have any pesticide exposure incidents investigated, educational resources to learn about being safe on the job as a farmworker, medical resources for those who wish to reach out to pesticide experts with questions, and advocacy resources for those who wish to join the ECV pesticide awareness movement.   

Reporting Resources 

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California Department of Pesticide Regulation

File anonymous pesticide incidents 24 hours a day regarding pesticide exposure. This app allows you to upload photos and videos. You can also send GPS coordinates to provide the most accurate information. For more information on how it works please visit.  

Riverside County Agricultural
Commissioner's Office

The Riverside County Agricultural Commissioner's office, file complaints regarding pesticide exposure. They also deal with permits and licensing. 

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Educational Resources 

Pesticide Educational Resources Collaborative (PERC)

A collaborative project between the EPA and UC Davis, along in collaboration with Oregon State University. There are many educational resources, such as employer requirements, worker requirements and many other references.


Advocacy Resources 

Líderes Campesinas

The mission of Líderes Campesinas is to strengthen the leadership of farmworker women and girls so that they can be agents of economic, social and political change and ensure their human rights.

Phone: (805) 486-7776 Email:

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